From: utzoo!utcsrgv!newman
Newsgroups: net.jokes
Title:  more swifties
Article-I.D.: utcsrgv.1164
Posted: Thu Mar 10 18:48:39 1983
Received: Thu Mar 10 19:04:05 1983

If you can stand it, here are some more swifties!!??!!


"Why don't you use the stream editor?" he said.

"Frankincense, frankincense" he murmured.

"Come down out of that tree!" he barked.

"That's disgusting" he apologized.

"Well, we'll have to make that pastry again now!" she retorted.

"That smells awful!" she said, incensed.

"I won that $100 fair and square!" he contested.

"Are you into s&m?" he quipped.

"That poor thing just went and beached itself" she wailed.

"He tripped and fell in his own home!" he said hysterically.

"I hoped you would have a good claret" he whined.

"We need some chimes for the front entrance" she said haltingly.

"Look at 44 try and go underneath!" he bellowed.

"She didn't want an epitaph" he said gravely.

"Oh, I'll never get the creases out" she said, depressed.

"Is that buck the only animal in this forest?" he wondered.

"Boy, I'm glad I'm back from Japan" he said, disoriented.

"How long have you had that?" he asked, pointing to the spice bottle in

Argggh! Enough! Enough!