From: utzoo!decvax!harpo!npoiv!npois!wbux5!wb2!houxz!ihnp4!ixn5c!inuxc!pur-ee!uiucdcs!mcewan Newsgroups: Title: Re: Vampire/Umber Hulk Bug in 5.2? - (nf) Article-I.D.: uiucdcs.1653 Posted: Sun Mar 13 22:31:27 1983 Received: Tue Mar 15 08:06:10 1983 #R:whuxlb:5800020:uiucdcs:9500130:000:288 uiucdcs!mcewan Mar 10 16:50:00 1983 ********************* SPOILER ******************************** "Can an umber hulk confuse you from a non-adjacent square?" Yes, and its NOT a bug. A U can confuse you whenever it is in sight - across the room if the room is lighted. It cannot confuse you if you are blind.