From: utzoo!decvax!ucbvax!CAD:tektronix!zehntel!zinfandel!mike Newsgroups: net.cycle Title: Re: motorcycles dangerous? - (nf) Article-I.D.: zehntel.831 Posted: Thu Mar 10 01:17:51 1983 Received: Fri Mar 11 02:52:18 1983 #R:sdcarl:-426700:zinfandel:4600005:000:1022 zinfandel!mike Mar 9 11:45:00 1983 Statistics can be very misleading unless they are very well defined. After all statisticly you will die, 100 percent chance (please, no flames from immortals). The unanswered questions are when, where, how, etc. My experience has taught me that when a motorcycle shares a road with other vehicles the motorcycle rider must drive defensively (to stay in one piece). If the rider doesn't, the risk of injury or death is increased. At least half of the motorcycle related deaths that I've personally heard about have involved people racing on the street (one was even in a residential tract). The statistic in your article might really be a comment on the abilities (or lack of them) of the general riding public (whatever that is). P.S. Flames to /dev/null. Don't get the idea that I associate racing on the street with dead riders. All of the instances I have heard bad things about were from racing on two lane roads under uncontrolled conditions. Mike Blenderman decvax!sytek!zehntel!zinfandel!mike