From: utzoo!decvax!yale-com!brunix!ddd Newsgroups: net.books Title: Richard Adams Article-I.D.: brunix.1974 Posted: Wed Mar 16 00:33:15 1983 Received: Tue Mar 22 21:02:31 1983 I am a new net.books subscriber, so excuse me if Adams has already been discussed here... Oh yes, he became famous with "Watership Down". A good book, but not what I want you to try. How many of you have read his "Shardik" or "A Girl in a Swing"? Excellent both, and you may find it hard to believe (I did) that the same guy also wrote "Watership Down" and "The Plague Dogs". "Shardik" is also about an animal, this time a bear, but a much more serious, almost philosophical novel. And "A.G.I.A.S" is absolutely different, so much so that I don't want to say what it is about. Quite a masterpiece. Reminiscent of Michael Crichton, who also wrote two vastly different kinds of books ("The Terminal Man", "The Andromeda Strain", versus "The Great Train Robbery"). --Dilip (..brunix!ddd)