From: utzoo!watmath!watarts!geo Newsgroups: net.books Title: Re: computers and books Article-I.D.: watarts.1744 Posted: Mon Mar 14 22:18:10 1983 Received: Tue Mar 15 01:03:57 1983 Reply-To: geo@watarts.uucp (Geo Swan) References: watmath.4730 Ed, you asked for pointers to science fiction books which focus around computers. One that comes immediately to mind is "The Steel Crocodile", by D.G. Compton(sp?). The title is an analogy, Science is the steel crocodile which remorselessly tramples over everything that gets in its way. I remember this book as being of a higher quality than most science fiction novels. Frederick Pohl recently wrote two novels that portray computers in an interesting fashion. I only remember one title "Beyond the Blue Event Horizon". I believe "Shockwave Rider", by John Brunner, was mentioned in a previous article. There are other science fiction books focussed around computers that in my opinion, are not worth reading. The book, "When Harlie was One", for example. You mentioned a book "The God Machine", by Martin Caidin, wasn't he the one who wrote the novel "Cyborg", on which the television series, "The Six Million Dollar Man" was based? Could you comment on the quality of "The God Machine". Cordially, Geo Swan, Integrated Studies, University of Waterloo (allegra|decvax) !watmath!watarts!geo