From: utzoo!watmath!idhopper Newsgroups: net.books Title: Re: SPACE Article-I.D.: watmath.4688 Posted: Tue Mar 8 12:59:57 1983 Received: Tue Mar 8 23:44:39 1983 References: utah-cs.1439 I have not read Michener's Space, but I have read both Tom Wolfe's "The Right Stuff" and Oriana Fallaci's "If The Sun Dies". I found the latter to give much more insight into the characters involved; the former tended to have a bit of a gosh-golly-gee-whiz attitude about it. If you have time, read both, as the insights they give are complementary. If you have time to read only one, I would recommend Fallaci's book (the most recent Whole Earth Catalog says it's out of print, and that is probably still the case, so you'll have to dig around a library or used book store to find a copy). --ravi