From: utzoo!decvax!harpo!eagle!jpl Newsgroups: net.books Title: Alligators ... book located Article-I.D.: eagle.801 Posted: Sun Feb 27 15:51:45 1983 Received: Mon Feb 28 00:47:23 1983 I have already received about a dozen responses to my original query, one of which (from houxm!hogpc!hogpd!3123ars) contained the correct title, authors and publisher, and most of which were in the category of "Let me know if you find out." The volume seems to justify a response to the net rather than individual mailings. The book I was after was There are Alligators in Our Sewers & Other American Credos by Paul Dickson and Joseph C. Goulden, published by Delacorte Press. I found a copy (for $11.95) at a bookstore this afternoon. I'm rather disappointed in what I have read so far. I had hoped for some scholarly research disproving the myths and investigating their origins. I found, instead, a simple cataloging of myths. Some are simply preposterous -- "the main earthly effect of the space program has been to change the weather", many beg for an explanation of why they are classed as "bunk" -- "a written contract is absolutely binding and one who has signed a contract may be forced to do something which he now does not wish to do" and what explanations there are leave something to be desired -- "it is the exception which proves the rule. (Logic dictates that the exception disproves the rule.)" [It is my understanding that the original phrase is a corruption of "The exception proofs the rule," that is, puts it to the test. This may be yet another myth, but more along the lines of what I had hoped to see.] Anyway, thanks to those who offered assistance in locating the book. John P. Linderman eagle!jpl