From: utzoo!decvax!duke!mcnc!dvamc!ms
Title: speaker building and audio mags
Article-I.D.: dvamc.1041
Posted: Fri Mar 11 09:40:50 1983
Received: Sun Mar 13 08:51:34 1983

In reply to both Dave Green (inldt!dbg) and Mike Tucker
(jplabs!hpda!mt), I have built speakers, subscribe(d) to
Speaker Builder, and had an article published in Speaker
Builder.  My final issue  of SB for '82 arrived only
a few weeks ago, I was somewhat dissapointed, but understand
that these things happen with non-commercial mags.  But, they've
been publishing for a few years, and it is still dissapointing,
I don't think I'll renew.  I read all available literature on
speaker construction before Speaker Builder was born, as a result,
their first several issues only regurgitated what I already knew.
As time went on, they managed to find some recent experimentation
on speaker design and construction, there were some interesting

If you don't know the first thing about speakers, then get some
back issues, I'm sure you'll learn alot.  For those that have
already done their own research and/or construction, the letters
and suggestions are probably the most helpful.  There have been
plans to build electrostatics, Heil type drivers, transmission
lines etc.  There just haven't been enough stimulating articles
lately to justify my renewal.

I just recently subscribed to Stereo Review after many years
without any mags (although I would read them at libraries).
Hi Fidelity has got too much video garbage for an 'AUDIO'
magazine, I like the reviews in Stereo Review, and Audio has
had some spectacular issues with many new thoughts about
hifi hardware (such as by Jung on capacitors, wiring etc) and
is the most technical.  Has anyone read a bad review in one of
these mags, well, I suppose equipment is pretty good these days.
That's what's nice about the Absolute Sound and their kind, it
is totally biased and subjective, the kind of opinions you can
get at a good high quality stereo store.

Good listening and reading.

Marc Sabransky
Durham VA Med. Ctr. (N.C.)