From: utzoo!decvax!harpo!npoiv!npois!houxm!houxa!houxi!houxz!ihnp4!ihuxx!mah
Title: Setting recording levels (help)
Article-I.D.: ihuxx.367
Posted: Fri Mar 11 19:34:29 1983
Received: Sat Mar 12 08:46:20 1983
Reply-To: mah@ihuxx.UUCP ()

	I have a Pioneer CT-6R cassette deck and occasionally record material
from the radio (Pioneer SX-6 (for anyone interested)).  I basically know 
how to set the recording levels, but I am not sure about a few things.

	The deck has LED meters, and does not hold "peaks".   Is it better
to adjust the controls so that the meters barely hit 0db or is will the 
sound be better (not only louder) if they are set higher.  What are the ad-
vantages and disadvantages of each of these settings and where should the
meters actually reach while recording?

	Any information would be appreciated.  By the way, I recently purch-
ased this Pioneer deck.  Does anyone have an identical deck or have any 
comments (good or bad) about it?

				Thank you,
