From: utzoo!utcsrgv!ubc-visi!mulder Newsgroups: Title: CSCSI membership renewal for student non-CIPS members Article-I.D.: ubc-visi.280 Posted: Tue Mar 15 14:34:24 1983 Received: Wed Mar 16 08:51:47 1983 Today I received an invoice for CSCSI membership renewal. I am a student non-CIPS member and the invoice was $8. According to the latest CSCSI newsletter student non-CIPS members still pay $5. So to all student non-CIPS members: The CIPS administration probably made a mistake. Look at your invoice carefully. Or has their been an increase in fees? Does any CSCSI official out there know more about this? Jan Mulder. Computer Vision Lab. UBC