From: utzoo!decvax!ittvax!dcdwest!benson Newsgroups: net.nlang Title: Sentential Auto-antonymy Article-I.D.: dcdwest.173 Posted: Wed Feb 16 15:06:27 1983 Received: Mon Feb 21 19:40:14 1983 I just heard a strange sentence that I would place in the same area as the oxymoron and the words that mean their antonym. "I wrote a paper and it was heavily plagarized" This would be meaningful if 1) he wrote the paper and people later plagarized it or 2) he wrote the paper by plagarizing others. Now I don't want to start a barrage of similar sentences or, worse yet catalog the list and summarize it for the net; this is just another "gee whiz" for your enjoyment, if not your edification. Peter Benson !decvax!ittvax!dcdwest