From: utzoo!decvax!duke!mcnc!ncsu!uvacs!pds
Newsgroups: net.nlang
Title: and still more surprising words
Article-I.D.: uvacs.419
Posted: Sun Feb 13 14:28:34 1983
Received: Wed Feb 16 07:06:15 1983

     May become allowed through popular use?  Check the "New World
Dictionary of the English Language" under "comprise".  Definition 3 says:

     to make up; form; constitute [a nation comprised of 13 states]:
     in this sense regarded by some as loose usage.

Popular usage wins again (please lets not reopen the argument about
whether the dictionary definition is correct or just popular).
Point is the misuse is recognized.

     Don't misunderstand my position--I dislike the incorrect use
as well.  While we are at it, let's hear some discussion of computer
sciences' new favorite buzzword: METHODOLOGY (a.k.a method).

                              Dave Stotts, Univ. of Virginia

	                      uucp:  ...decvax!duke!mcnc!ncsu!uvacs!pds
                              CSnet: pds@uvacs