From: utzoo!kcarroll Newsgroups: net.micro.pc Title: IBM PC Flight Simulator Article-I.D.: utzoo.2793 Posted: Fri Feb 4 08:54:24 1983 Received: Fri Feb 4 08:54:24 1983 Do any of the IBM PC owners out there have a copy of the flight- simulator program written by (I think) microsoft? If so, please get in touch with me via mail. I am interested in finding out how people rate its performance (especially if the person using the simulator is already a pilot). The reason for my interest is that I'm in the process of writing a flight simulator of my own; given what I know about the system being simulated, I frankly don't beleive that the microsoft program could be providing a very accurate simulation (although it's undoubtedly head-and-shoulders above arcade games' performance). Please reply >directly< to me, not via this newsgroup. Thanks in advance... -Kieran A. Carroll ...decvax!utzoo!kcarroll