From: utzoo!decvax!harpo!npoiv!npois!cbosgd!cbosg!dir Newsgroups: Title: prostatitis? Article-I.D.: cbosg.2778 Posted: Sat Feb 5 00:30:32 1983 Received: Sun Feb 6 01:38:01 1983 References: wivax.5200 Have any men had success in being treated for prostatitis, an inflamation of the prostate? This problem is extremely difficult to treat given the fact that antibiotics do not concentrate well in the prostate. This problem typically affects men in their 30's to 40's. I've been bothered by this condition off and on for several years. Apparently the only medical treatment is long-term antibiotics (6-9 months), and even that doesn't always work. I guess I'm looking for the magic cure, something like "Drink pistachio nut tea for three nights and eat freeze-dried peaches for a full month, and you shall be cured (permanently)." Any suggestions (via personal mail) would be appreciated.