From: utzoo!decvax!decwrl!sun!megatest!fortune!gaw Newsgroups: Title: Re: Ortho-K, anyone? - (nf) Article-I.D.: fortune.762 Posted: Mon Jan 31 16:08:37 1983 Received: Wed Feb 2 02:59:45 1983 #R:fortune:21300003:fortune:21300005:000:540 fortune!gaw Jan 31 15:57:00 1983 I have heard that this involves wearing a series of contact lenses that 'trains' your eye to the correct position. It seems to work well for most people. The only drawbacks are that after your eyes are 'corrected', you may have to wear some contacts periodically to keep the eyes in the proper shape. The other drawback (if you consider it a drawback) is that the process is rather expensive, in that the series of lenses have to all be custom made for you. How expensive? It was >= $2,000 a few years ago. Glenn Wall