From: utzoo!decvax!harpo!floyd!stan Newsgroups: net.math Title: Re: The Funny Nature of Infinity Article-I.D.: floyd.1131 Posted: Fri Jan 28 15:26:21 1983 Received: Sat Jan 29 04:21:22 1983 References: rabbit.1080 Referring to the note by rabbit!ss (Sharad Singhal), the points on a line can be put into one-to-one correspondence with the points on a plane, or area. The only proof I can remember is one that was in Sci. Am. many years ago. Each point is represented by real-number coordinates expressed in decimal expansion (I know some of you doubt the validity of that, but...). To map points on the plane into points on the line, one forms the latter's coordinate by alternately taking digits from each of the decimal expansions that specify the former's coordinates. To map points on the line into points on the plane, simply reverse the process. Stan King phone: 201-386-7433 Bell Labs, Whippany, NJ Cornet: 8+232-7433 room 2A-111 uucp: floyd!stan