From: utzoo!decvax!harpo!seismo!hao!hplabs!hpda!sanders Newsgroups: net.invest Title: No-load mutual funds Article-I.D.: hpda.360 Posted: Mon Feb 14 11:01:35 1983 Received: Thu Feb 17 05:28:40 1983 I have been looking into investing in a mutual fund group. There are two basic types of funds: load funds which you buy through a broker and pay a sales fee (usually 8.5%) for, and no-load funds which you buy directly from the fund and pay no sales charge for. In looking into past performance, it appears that no-load funds have done just as well as load funds on the average. It appears obvious to me which of the two types I should invest in. What bothers me is that it is TOO obvious. Why would anyone pay an 8.5% sales fee when they don't have to? Sure, the sales fee allows load funds to sell themselves whereas the investor must take the initiative in searching for no-loads, but is that it? Am I missing some obvious reason for avoiding no-loads? I'll post summaries of responses if interest warrants it. Thanks, Al Sanders HP Design Aids, Cupertino, CA ucbvax!hpda!sanders