From: utzoo!decvax!ucbvax!CAD:tektronix!tekmdp!bronze!alanj Newsgroups: net.invest Title: IRA's Article-I.D.: bronze.441 Posted: Thu Jan 27 12:22:02 1983 Received: Sun Jan 30 08:57:27 1983 I set up my IRA last year with a nationally known brokerage house. I chose that route so that I would have a "self-directed" account and could pick and choose investments. Last year, not having much time for detailed study, I picked simply picked one from their recomended list. This year, having more time and interest, I have been looking around more. Much to my dismay, it seems their recommended list is rather cut-and dried. If I want to invest in something else, I have to get special dispensation from the custodian (an east coast bank & trust). I can still set up a second IRA, but will end up with two sets of maintenance fees, etc. Anybody out there know of any firms offering TRULY self-directed IRAs? Thanks Alan Jeddeloh