From: utzoo!decvax!minow Newsgroups:,net.nlang Title: Interesting newspaper article Article-I.D.: decvax.362 Posted: Tue Dec 21 18:01:29 1982 Received: Wed Dec 22 04:07:51 1982 The following was sent to an internal Dec mailing list by a British correspondent: Here's a Classic for the Newspaper Headlines series: This was on the front page of the DAILY MIRROR (a national tabloid paper) here in the UK on Thursday, 16th December: "ELTON'S FLYING STOOL HITS FAN" It actually refers to an incident at a concert Elton John was giving. His drummer (Nigel Olsen?) had failed to turn up so Elton got in a huff. He'd had enough half way through 'Bennie and the Jets' so he got up from his piano, kicked his stool away and walked off the stage in a temper. Unfortunately, the stool hit a female fan in the front row. (Hope the alternative meaning isn't lost in American English!)