From: utzoo!decvax!harpo!npoiv!npois!houxm!ihnp4!ihldt!ll1!otuxa!we13!prg Newsgroups: Title: Inside the Colecovision cartridge Article-I.D.: we13.319 Posted: Sat Dec 18 16:03:55 1982 Received: Mon Dec 20 19:36:14 1982 I looked inside one of the Colecovison cartridges (Smurf) and was quite suprised to see they are using Intel 2764 EPROMS!! The printed wiring board itself looked like a 'standard' board, and is set up to hold up to 3 eproms. The Zaxxon cartridge 'feels' like it has all three eproms. I'll publish the 'pin out' of the cartridge in a couple of days. Phil Gunsul ...we13!prg