From: utzoo!decvax!duke!harpo!utah-cs!sask!hssg40!peachey Newsgroups: net.dcom Title: Hayes Smartmodem kudos Article-I.D.: hssg40.225 Posted: Tue Nov 16 11:51:41 1982 Received: Thu Nov 18 01:44:51 1982 References: fluke.340,genradbo.690 Since so many people are so upset by the RV3451 modem, and in view of the Hayes Smartmodem 1200 query, I thought this might be the time to make appreciative remarks about the Hayes Smartmodem. Unfortunately, I only have experience with the 300 Baud Smartmodem, not the new Smartmodem 1200. But if the 1200 takes after its little brother, it should be very nice to work with. Despite (or possibly because of) being a "hobby grade" piece of equipment, our Smartmodem is extremely reliable. It is also very flexible, and seems to have all the options you could want. We dial out through a PBX, and dial into a site with a Develcon Dataswitch (sometimes), so we need as much flexibility as we can get. In order to use it, we added a few lines of code to the "conn.c" source file of the uucico program. No other changes were required to ANYTHING. (Mail to me for details if you want them.) Best of all, the Smartmodem is ** CHEAP **, even in Canada (and that's saying a lot). We spent a total of about four hours installing and testing the modem and modifying the software. It is a pleasant change to have a piece of equipment in "production" use the day you purchase it! Darwyn Peachey (...!harpo!utah-cs!sask!hssg40!peachey)