From: utzoo!decvax!ucbvax!ARPAVAX:Onyx:fygar
Newsgroups: net.rec.caves
Title: new lamps
Article-I.D.: ucbonyx.95
Posted: Tue Sep 14 11:25:28 1982
Received: Wed Sep 22 07:51:51 1982

       I walked into a sporting goods store yesterday and could
hardly believe my eyes.  BRASS carbide lanterns!!  After having
the base of my plastic Justrite crack open from the heat while 
I was on a tiny ledge 30 feet above a small lake, I sure am glad
that they're making them like they used to.  Does anyone have any
information on the company making them, where to write for a
       This newsgroup sure doesn't have alot of activity.  Is there
anyone out there in the bay area interested in going on a caving
trip?  It's been a long time since I last ventured underground
and I really miss it.
