From: utzoo!decvax!cca!fortune!norskog Newsgroups: Title: Pac-man Article-I.D.: fortune.369 Posted: Wed Aug 25 19:12:26 1982 Received: Wed Sep 8 01:32:27 1982 I would like a copy of pac-man for UNIX(tm), I understand that there are one or two of them around. Please reply direct to me, if its more than a few hops, tell me where to send a tape. No use costing everyone a bundle. (It has been conjectured that the amount spent communally on netnews could buy us a satellite.) sri-unix!fortune!norskog randvax!fortune!norskog dsd!fortune!norskog harpo!fortune!norskog Lance C. Norskog Fortune Systems 1501 Industrial Road San Carlos, CA (It's in the middle of the suburban-industrial ghetto known as Silicon Valley)