From: utzoo!decvax!harpo!eagle!mhtsa!alice!sjb Newsgroups: Title: Re: another Zork query - (nf) Article-I.D.: alice.847 Posted: Tue Aug 10 17:58:01 1982 Received: Thu Aug 12 07:35:34 1982 *************************** ********SPOILER************ *************************** The following article reveals the secret of the Tomb of the Unknown Implementers for those who expressed interest. Readers who want to find this out for themselves should hit break now! The crypt in the Tomb of the U.I. is the gate to the endgame. Once you have gotten all the treasure and placed it all in the trophy case, go to the Tomb and wait for a few turns. After a shadowy figure appears, says some stuff, and disappears, open the crypt, walk in, close the crypt, and turn off the light. BANG! You're in the endgame.