From: utzoo!decvax!ucbvax!waserman
Title: RAship available 1 July
Article-I.D.: ucbvax.7481
Posted: Mon May 31 10:33:23 1982
Received: Tue Jun  1 00:36:23 1982

The Section on Medical Information Science at UC San Francisco has a
half-time (20 hours/week) position as a Research Assistant for the
1982-83 year, beginning 1 July 1982.

The position involves being the system manager for the VAX 11/750 Unix
system (Sandy Kou-VAX), and requires knowledge of the Unix operating
system and C.

The research portion of the position involves supporting the User Software
Engineering project of Prof. A.I. Wasserman, which is concerned with the
development of a methodology and environment for interactive information
systems.  There are numerous opportunities for M.S. and Ph.D. research.

There is public transportation and a UC shuttle service between UCB and
UCSF.  The RA would be expected to spend about 12 hours/week at UCSF,
but times are fairly flexible.  For additional information, call Prof.
Wasserman at 415-666-2951, or via ATSS (8+592-2951), or send mail to
Tony Wasserman