Thursday, March 28, 2013
Taxing Future Generations For Present Luxury Is Unethical Taxation without Representation
With U.S. national debt at an all-time high, the average American now owes $53,066 to the federal government; more than he makes in an entire year according to the U.S. Census Bureau. However, the real problem with this debt is that it will force future generations to pay for our decisions – something that is clearly unethical.
“No taxation without representation”, was a slogan common to the period leading up to the U.S. Revolutionary War. George Grenville, the British Prime Minister of Great Britain, rebutted against this phrase by stating that Americans were being represented “virtually” in parliament. The fact of the matter is that colonists did not have actual representation and the belief that colonists were being taxed without representation is a large factor that caused the thirteen states to denounce English governance.
Fast-forwarding to present day, can a congressperson represent someone who has yet to exist? Can a congressperson represent someone who does not exist? Can a congressperson know the interests of the unborn? Of course not! A congressperson can guess what future generations will hold valuable, but the laws of space-time make it impossible for future constituents to communicate with today’s lawmakers. And yet, future generations are being taxed heavily, and without representation, through today’s deficit spending.
Taxing future citizens is bad enough, but doing so to pay for our modern-day luxury is even worse. We spend their money on our food, our computers, our fancy cars and even our “Watermelon Queen”. Is this not a form of slavery? Are we not forcing future generations to give us their money before they are even born? Even aside from the aforementioned luxury items, is it fair to force someone else to pay for our housing, healthcare or even our prisoners?
Full article: http://libertycrier. … hout-representation/
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