Thursday, September 19, 2013
South Carolina parents were furious this week after seeing questions regarding the Constitution – in particular the Second Amendment – as taught in their daughter’s 8th grade history class. The daughter’s teacher had given the class a pop quiz regarding the Constitution. Question 10 asked, “Mr. Jones’ gun was confiscated at a police traffic stop, even though he had the proper permit and license of ownership of the gun. Is this Constitutional?” The student originally answered “no,” but the teacher told daughter to change her answer to “yes.”
This is not a unique event. Just this week, another report emerged in Texas of an Advanced Placement (AP) textbook presenting a modified version of the Second Amendment. The textbook’s wording indicated that only police and military were allowed to have guns with the wording “The people have the right to keep and bear arms in a state militia.”
AP textbooks and exams are created by the College Board, an organization which has participated in the implementation of Common Core, the already-invasive and controversial set of education “standards” organized for the Federal Government and pushed on states with financial incentives and a lack of transparency. People have already found disturbing lessons in the program, such as teaching children to argue on an emotional level to manipulate people into accepting social change.
This educational push for the modification of the Second Amendment comes at the time of an intense and multifaceted, nationwide battle over gun rights. This battle, prompted by the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting in Connecticut, has been fought in both the legislative and cultural spheres. Attorney General Eric Holder, however, was the first to indicate it should be brought into the educational sphere when he said people should be “brainwashed” about guns.
Full article: … -to-confiscate-guns/
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