Tuesday, May 28, 2013

McCain Spends Memorial Day with Al-Qaeda Allies

Senator John McCain snuck into Syria this Memorial Day to spend the day with the terrorist-affiliated Free Syrian Army, in violation of both Syrian Law and likely of international law. While meeting with the Syrian insurgents and FSA Commander, Gen. Salem Idris, McCain likely assured his allies that it was only a matter of time before the US began overtly transferring the weapons it is currently facilitating covertly.

Gen. Idriss is the conduit for hundreds of millions of dollars in US aid, and untold millions in covert CIA and US Special Forces assistance. He swears he does not cooperate with the terrorist-designated Al-Nusra Front, but he only coordinates with the Al-Nusra-allied Arhar al Sham.

About McCain’s meeting partner:

“Idriss said his group didn’t work with al Qaida-affiliated rebels who belonged to the Nusra Front. But he said the military councils worked closely with another Islamist rebel faction, Arhar al Sham, that’s known to coordinate its actions with Nusra and shares many of Nusra’s beliefs about how Syria should be governed if Assad is vanquished.”

But Idriss makes no secret of his admiration for Al-Nusra. He said recently:

“Jabhat al-Nusra has proved to be the most effective in fighting the Syrian army.”

During McCain’s secret and illegal visit, Idriss called for even more US intervention on the side of the insurgents:

“The visit of Senator McCain to Syria is very important and very useful especially at this time. We need American help to have change on the ground; we are now in a very critical situation. What we want from the U.S. government is to take the decision to support the Syrian revolution with weapons and ammunition, anti-tank missiles and anti-aircraft weapons. Of course we want a no-fly zone and we ask for strategic strikes against Hezbollah both inside Lebanon and inside Syria.”

As the New York Times has reported, the existence of a secular Syrian opposition force is a fantasy. We can extrapolate, therefore, that McCain either was duped into participating into a Potemkin-like excursion into an “It’s a Small World” ride, or he knowingly met with extremist forces bent on exterminating what little is left of Christianity in Syria and imposing extreme Islamist rule over once-secular Syria.

For his part, McCain urges the US to become even more entangled in the insurgency against the Syrian government, all the while complaining about Russian involvement.

Full article: http://ronpaulinstit … al-qaeda-allies.aspx

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