Friday, January 4, 2013

Leader of the Liberty Movement, Ron Paul Officially Retires at 77 from Congress

The 12-term Congressman and 3-time Presidential candidate from Texas, Ron Paul is now officially retired. Rep. Paul who started off his political career in 1976 has embodied the ideas of fiscal government, individual liberty, free markets and shrinkage of the military overseas. Starting early in his career, the Texas Congressman received little attention about his libertarian-style views and was viewed as being “out there” by pundits and common voters.

Since his first presidential run in 1988 under the Libertarian party, Rep. Paul has gained a heap of support from everyday Americans. In 2008, when Paul ran under the Republican Party, he sparked what is now known as the “Liberty movement” and got to the core of angered Americans who saw his ideas of less government and more personal liberty as the only sane possibility. After his loss in 2008, one thing was clear – this wasn’t about winning an election, it was about an intellectual revolution and restoring the message of liberty to the American people.

From 2008 to 2012, the Congressman rang in millions of supporters and donations, which gave him an enormous boost – one that many grassroots campaigns wish to see. The most amazing part about the entire campaign was that it was never about winning, it was about delivering a message to those who had not yet heard it: freedom.

Full article: http://spreadliberty … at-77-from-congress/

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