Article-I.D.: medstar.176
Posted: Fri Jun 7 14:34:56 1985
Date-Received: Sun, 9-Jun-85 02:30:09 EDT
References: <263@tellab3.UUCP>
Organization: Medical Systems Technology and Research, Inc., Atlanta, Ga.
Lines: 27
Xref: watmath net.micro.pc:4183 net.unix-wizards:13454
To eliminate the reinitialization of the EGA in Xenix you must patch the
routine that does this...
cp /xenix /xenix-
adb -w /xenix -
initCRTC+4?w cbc9 /* c756 = cbc9 */
This will avoid initCRTC by just returning.
To use the color graphics adapter in graphics mode you will have to talk to
the controller. I have written (and extensively use) an I/O channel device
driver that will allow me to examine/modify any I/O address including the
graphics adapter and the PC Network Adapter. I may post this to net.sources
shortly. To actually write into graphics memory you will have to use some
of the defined macros in sys/param.h to get between kernel and physical memory.
This is what I use to DMA into/from the PC Network Adapter.
Good luck...
Robin Cutshaw
uucp: ...!{akgua,gatech}!medstar!robin